Offers for 2024-2025 Season

20 Jul by Carlos Rodas

Good Evening,

With tryouts fast approaching we have been working hard to assemble a staff, pricing and scheduling for the 2024-2025 season.

With players reaching out to us about possible opportunities, other organizations already reaching out to our players and many invite only tournament directors already requesting payments, we realize now more than ever how the softball world is ever changing.

Over the next few days you may be given an early offer to one of our 2024-25 teams. You will still be required to attend your tryout date so we can have updated information and for fairness of the process . However this will allow us to better understand how to round out each team. It will also give you opportunity to have conversation about placement beforehand.

Should you receive an offer simply accept joining the team’s Group Me to get more information.

New this year we will be offering an early bird discount for those who pay by 8/1. Those paying in full by 9/1 will still save over the payment options. You will get more information on these options upon placement.

Again, we realize some may have already made the decision to move on, we understand and respect your decision. Thank you for allowing Elite to be part of your journey.

Please reach out with any questions.We hope to see everyone at tryouts.



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